
Azra RTX

A waterproof and electrically heated glove with a leather palm and flexible knuckle protection, developed for daily commuters and riders in cold conditions.

  • Doble potencia
  • Bluetooth
  • 4 niveles de calefacción

A waterproof and electrically heated glove with a leather palm and flexible knuckle protection, developed for daily commuters and riders in cold conditions.

The Azra is fitted with protection at the knuckles, fingers and palm of the hand. The knuckle protector is made of TPR, which is a flexible yet robust rubber with a great strength to weight ratio. The palm and finger protection are made of soft and flexible EVA padding, and the palm is reinforced with leather all the way up to the outside of the little finger.   

It is waterproof thanks to its Raintex membrane and excess rainwater that accumulates in the mesh area between the membrane and outer shell is drained by the Water Exhaust. The Centrack buckle is developed to permanently hold the wrist strap. This prevents it from slipping through the buckle and giving you a hard time getting it back in.

Dual Power technology lets you choose between a 7,4- or 12-Volt power supply. Power can be supplied by a battery in the cuff or jacket, or a direct connection to the battery of your motorcycle. There are 4 heating levels, each indicated in their own colour by the battery level indicator. The indicator at the back of the hand also tells you how much power you have left, and lets you change the level by pressing it.

Alternatively, you can operate these gloves – and other garments – in the MACNA Heated app.
The app enables you to manage all your heated garments with just one hand instead of unzipping and reaching for hidden buttons. Download it for free in the known stores, connect your gloves by Bluetooth® and fully manage your e-heated ecosystem on your phone.

You can operate the app without taking your gloves off, thanks to the Touch Tip at the index finger. This same finger also features a Screen Cleaner; a flexible extension at the ridge that lets you wipe rainwater off your visor.

This product only contains gloves and no power supply. Our flexible e-heated ecosystem provides three ways to power your gear; a battery in the cuff of your glove, one in your jacket, or a direct connection to your motorcycle. All options can be found here. If you’re going for the smallest batteries, save yourself some money and go for the kit.

The Azra is what we call e-heated riding gear!


Información del producto





Screen Cleaner™

Calefacción eléctrica


Operar pantalla táctil

MACNA® Heated App

Indicador de vida útil de la batería

Correa de muñeca ajustable

Puño ajustable


Protección de la palma

Protección de los nudillos

Protección de los dedos


Adventure - Tour

Adecuado para:




Water Exhaust™

TPR nudillos

Touch Tip

Silicona dedos

Screen Cleaner™


EVA palmo

Easy Connect Plug

Dual Power Technology™


Calefacción eléctrica

Tipo de clima:







Soft flex

Piel de cabra



Código del objeto:


MACNA® Heated App
Aplicación que permite un control total de las prendas con calefacción eléctrica conectadas al teléfono por Bluetooth. Gestiona la configuración, agrupa productos y ajusta los niveles de calentamiento con una sola mano.
MACNA® Heated App
Calefacción eléctrica
Calefacción eléctrica
Hebilla de ajuste giratoria inteligente. La correa no puede salirse de la hebilla gracias a un rebaje y al diseño de la hebilla.
Dual Power Technology™
Le permite elegir entre una fuente de alimentación de 7,4 o 12 voltios, que puede ser una batería independiente o una conexión directa a su moto.
Dual Power Technology™
EVA palmo
Capa extra de acolchado suave y cómodo debajo de la capa exterior en la palma de la mano.
EVA palmo
El cableado Powervein se creó hace 20 años y se ha perfeccionado en las dos últimas décadas. La mejora más notable es la calidad del cableado, que aumenta enormemente la durabilidad general y la liberación eficaz del calor.
Screen Cleaner™
Membrana para limpiar el agua de la pantalla, incorporada en el dedo índice para una máxima comodidad de uso.
Screen Cleaner™
Touch Tip
Maneja pantallas táctiles sin quitarte los guantes gracias a esta capa de tejido conductor en la punta del dedo índice.
Touch Tip
TPR nudillos
Almohadilla flexible de TPR en los nudillos.
TPR nudillos
Water Exhaust™
Salida de agua de lluvia que se acumula entre la membrana impermeable y el tejido exterior.
Water Exhaust™
Una membrana Raintex impermeable con poros lo suficientemente pequeños como para impedir la entrada de agua, pero lo suficientemente grandes como para dejar pasar el vapor y proporcionar transpirabilidad.